Have you ever gone to the beach and noticed that the tide reaches higher and higher each year? Well, it’s not just your imagination! Sea level rise is real and it’s happening right now. But what does it have to do with our drinking water? In this blog, we’ll learn how the rising tides affect our ground water supply and what we can do to help.

Sea Level Rise And Groundwater

Sea level rise happens when the water level in our oceans and seas increases because of melting ice caps and glaciers. When this happens, water from the oceans gets pushed into our rivers and onto the land. The water seeps through the soil and eventually ends up in our groundwater supply. With more sea water in our fresh groundwater, we need to be careful and monitor it constantly to make sure it’s safe to drink.

As sea levels continue to rise, salty ocean water can enter our fresh water supplies and make it salty too. This affects the plants and animals that depend on fresh water. If we continue to use contaminated water like this, it can make us sick. Yikes! That’s why it’s important to make sure our drinking water is clean and safe to consume.

Doomsday Glacier Sea Level Rise

Preventing Sea Level Rise

So, how can we prevent sea level rise from affecting our ground water supply? One way is to use water more efficiently at home. Take shorter showers, fix leaky faucets, and turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth. By doing this, you’ll save water and lessen the demand on our water supply.

Another way to help is by reducing carbon emissions. When we use cars and burn fossil fuels, it creates carbon dioxide which contributes to global warming and causes sea levels to rise. By carpooling, walking, or public transportation, we can reduce the amount of carbon emissions in the air and help slow down sea level rise.

Are there natural causes?

Sometimes, natural disasters can happen which can also affect our groundwater supply. When a hurricane or a flood hits, it can contaminate our groundwater. If this happens, we need to be extra careful and boil our water before using it or use bottled water until it’s safe again.

Conclusion: As we’ve learned, sea level rise can have a big impact on our ground water supply and that means we need to do our part to help. By using water efficiently, reducing our carbon emissions, and being prepared during natural disasters, we can ensure safe drinking water for generations to come. Let’s make sure we take good care of our precious water resources!